November Theme Day for CDP – "heights"

We bought a very large ladder so that Jean Michel can climb up to the roof of our house, particularly to check the gutters. No way would I go up there!  I don’t have a head for heights. Not like the hornet nest destroyer who climbed up on the roof recently!
Today is theme day in the City Daily Photo community, where City Daily Photo blogs all over the world can post a November theme entry. See other interpretations of the heights theme from all over the world.
Nous avons acheté une très grande échelle pour que Jean Michel puisse intervenir sur le toit de notre maison surtout pour vérifier les gouttières. Moi, je n’y vais pas ! Je souffre de vertige.
Aujourd’hui les autres bloggeurs de la communauté de City Daily Photo peuvent choisir de participer à la “journée thème” de novembre. Pour voir d’autres interprétations du thème “hauteurs” à travers le monde, cliquer ici.

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    1. Apparently the ladder sways a bit up that high. But JM has done special training with harnesses and everything. Could be useful.

    1. Thanks! It seems that if you know how to stabilise it, there’s no problem. I try not to think about it too much.

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