Renaissance medallion – Médaillon renaissance

This is one of two medallions about 50 centimetres high, found in the attic at Hôtel d’Alluye built in Blois by Florimond Robertet in about 1505. They are early samples of this type of medallion made of patinated limestone. Florimond Robertet (1458-1527),  secretary of state for Charles VIII, Louis XII and minister of finance for François I, was one of the most immportant art patrons of the French Renaissance.  They are currently in the lapidary section of Blois Castle.
Ce médaillon, de l’ordre de 50 centimètres de haut, est l’un de deux exemples retrouvés dans les combles de l’hôtel d’Alluye construit à Blois pour Florimond Robertet à partir de 1505. Ces médaillons en pierre calcaire patinée, en sont un exemple précoce. Florimond Robertet (1458-1527), trésorier de France et secrétaire des finances de Charles VIII, Louis XII et François Ier, est l’un des plus importants amateurs d’art de la première Renaissance française. Ils font partie de la collection lapidaire du château royal de Blois.

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  1. I wish I could find stuff this good in my attic ! I had to do some research on the hotel as it is new to me. It does have a long history. The building is amazing. How is it being used now? I read that it was broken up into apartments but I’m not sure I translated that correctly.

    1. Yes, it is private property broken up into apartments and can occasionally be visited on heritage weekend. I am disappointed in my photo of the building itself so shall have to go back and try again!

  2. I recently visited Blois and loved this charming town! I forgot to ask someone while I was there what the small gold medallions in the street scattered across town are for. I saw several different motifs– porcupine, fleur de lis, and towers—- obviously a reference to some of the various Kings, etc. However I couldn’t figure out if they were covers for something, or had some significance in positioning? They seemed to be scattered randomly amongst the cobblestone streets throughout the city. Any information to help solve the mystery in my mind would be appreciated.

    1. Hello Angela, it’s a lovely little town, isn’t it? The medallions indicate several itineraries put together by the tourist office to visit Blois. You may find them in other towns as well. In Paris, there are medallions to indicate the meridian that runs through Paris.

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