This is the local primary and pre-school in Noizay, 10 km from Amboise, on the road to Tours. It has a population of about 1200 inhabitants. The school has four classes totalling about 100 children, from ages 3 to 9. The town hall, much less impressive, is on the other size.
Voici l’école primaire de Noizay, à 10 km d’Amboise sur la route de Tours. Le village a une population d’environ 1200 habitants. L’école, derrière la mairie qui est bien moins jolie, accueille une centaine d’enfants de la petite maternelle au CM2, répartis en quatre classes.
It’s rather more pleasing to the eye than the average school here.
I don’t remember my schools being so embellished with flowers!
@William & Stuart: no, my school didn’t look like that in Australia either!