The Royal Castle of Blois has so many different parts to it that this hexagon and compass rose, in the middle of court of honour is certainly not superfluous. Clockwise from left bottom: TERRACE – Panorama and tower 13th century; GASTON D’ORLEANS 17th century; FRANCOIS I 16th century; STATE ROOM 13th century; LOUIS XII late 15th century; CHAPEL late 15th century.
Le château royal de Blois a tellement de parties différentes que cet hexagone et rose des vents, au milieu de la court d’honneur, ne sont pas de trop. En partant en bas à gauche: TERRASSE Panorama + Tour XIIIe siècle; GASTON D’ORLEANS XVIIe siècle; FRANCOIS 1 XVI” siècle; SALLE DES ETATS XIIIe siècle; LOUIS XII fin XVe siècle; CHAPELLE fin XVe siècle..
I like the style, though it appears some touchups are needed!
Yes, it’s been worn down from all the people walking on it!