Chanteloup Pagoda – La pagode de Chanteloup

LDP_chanteloup_pagaodeBuilt between 1775 and 1778 near Amboise, this surprising 44-metre high 6-story pagoda is all that is left of the famous château bought and extended by the Duc de Choiseul, Louis XV’s main minister  after he fell out of favour in 1770. We’ve been meaning to go for some time but it’s closed in winter. However, today we were rewarded with a perfect spring day.
Construite entre 1775 et 1778 près d’Amboise, cette surprenante pagode qui comporte 7 niveaux et mesure 44 mètres de haut est tout ce qui reste du fameux château achetée et agrandi par le duc de Choiseul, le principal ministre de Louis XV, après avoir été disgracié en 1770. Cela faisait un moment que nous voulions la visiter mais elle est fermée en hier. Aujourd’hui nous étions récompensés par une parfaite journée de printemps.

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  1. It’s a fun building, and a lucky survival. It’s only still here because it’s on a different parcel of land than the chateau itself was and when the estate was sold in the 19th century there were two different purchasers. I’m sure the purchasers of the chateau would have had no hesitation in demolishing it, whereas the person who did purchase it had a purpose for it and kept it.

  2. @William – Yes, most enjoyable.
    @Helen – So am I! The sky was very welcoming.
    @Susan – That’s interesting. I didn’t know about the two different purchasers.

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