I just love this avenue of oleanders with its date palms in Saint Laurent du Var just outside Nice. Italy tomorrow!
J’adore cette avenue de lauriers avec ses palmiers à Saint Laurent du Var à côté de Nice. L’Italie demain!
The Loire Valley and especially Blois
Far out! That’s better than any planting of oleander I’ve seen in Australia. And here in central France they need a bit of cosseting so are never so impressive.
These are really a plant from my childhood (and yours too I suspect). There were always the dire warnings about how poisonous they are and the stories of old cow cockies stirring their tea with a twig from an oleander and karking it. I used to spend quite a bit of time scrabbling around underneath them. They are the host plant of crow butterflies (related to the famous migrating Monarchs), who make the most magical metallic silver chrysalises, which hand down under the leaves.
I had no idea that oleanders were poisonous. I’ve never heard that in France. Today, we saw lots on the bike path in Liguria as well. Stunning. Not to mention the bougainvilleas!
Yes, I believe they are very poisonous and I seem to remember the odd case of someone accidentally killing themselves when I was growing up.
Wow! They are gorgeous!
Yes, they are!