Postcard from Boston – Reflections of Trinity

photo_199_trinty_church_reflectedTrinity Church in Boston, recognized as one of the most significant buildings in America, took shape on marshland in Boston’s Back Bay in the 1870’s. It is the birthplace and archetype of the Richardsonian Romanesque style, characterized by a clay roof, polychromy, rough stone, heavy arches, and a massive tower. I love the reflections in the glass high-rise opposite.
L’église de la Trinité à Boston, reconnue comme l’une des constructions les plus significatives aux Etats-Unis, est construite sur le marais asséché de Back Bay à Boston aux années 1870. C’est le premier et plus typique exemple du style roman Richardsonien, caractérisé par un toit en terre cuite, de la polychromie, de la pierre rugueuse, des arches énormes et d’une tour massive. J’adore sa réflexion dans l’immeuble en verre en face.

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    1. I never made it to Trinity Church when we visited New York. Your picture immediately reminded me of certain buildings dating from the late 19C in downtown Sydney (the Société Générale headquarters and the ANZ bank). The architect for both these buildings was New York based and I bet he was referencing Trinity. He is credited with introducing a style of architecture dubbed Federation Romanesque. Looks a lot like Richardsonian Romanesque to me. The colour of the stone in Sydney and New York is remarkably similar. I find the Sydney buildings spectacularly ugly. I love your photo with the church reflected like that.
      Trinity isn’t unlike Saint Augustine’s in Paris (opposite the Pinacotheque) and is exactly contemporary with it. Romanesque was obviously in the zeitgeist.

      1. I think you mean Boston :). Yes, I know the building you mean in Sydney. This one is very attractive.

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