January is when we prune our wisteria and grape vine so we made the most of the higher temperatures this week to do so. I also cut back the raspberry canes. They are my favourite European fruit. If you’d like to see the wisteria in full bloom, click here.
C’est au mois de janvier que nous taillons notre glycine et vigne alors on a profité des températures plus clémentes pour le faire aujourd’hui. J’ai également taillé les framboisiers. Les framboises sont mes fruits préférés en Europe. Si vous voulez voir la glycine en fleurs cliquez ici.
Just waiting on the spring to show itself.
It has been so wet here (for so long) that any gardening has been out of the question. I really could do with trimming of the soggy flowers of the cyclamen.
Our back garden, which is clay, gets completely soaked during winter and if you walk on it you create sludgy grass. Today it’s raining again so we are pleased we did it yesterday.