The cafés and restaurants in France opened again today after being closed for six months – but with outdoor seating only. Unfortunately in most places the weather was not on their side. We made the most of it by having our morning coffee break in our wood shed using our Turkish platter. Jean Michel is wearing his all-weather work clothes.
On a vu la réouverture des terrasses de cafés et de restaurants en France aujourd’hui après six mois de fermeture. Malheureusement dans la plupart du pays le temps n’était pas rendez-vous. Nous avons fait de notre mieux en faisant notre pause-café dans notre abri-bois avec notre plateau turc. Jean Michel porte ses vêtements de travail contre les intempéries.
A good choice to mark the occasion.
We have just been able to have our morning coffee & toast inside without masks at the end of our dog walk. Gently does it!
You must be happy about that.