I was mystified when I saw lots of banners along the Loire saying DES LYRES D’HIVER which literally means Winter Lyres. Then I saw this sign advertising the town’s Christmas and New Year festivities. Des lyres d’hiver is the same pronunciation as délires d’hiver means winter delirium i.e. craziness or madness.
J’étais perplexe de voir “DES LYRES D’HIVER” écrit sur une suite de kakemodos le long de la Loire. Puis j’ai vu ce panneau faisant de la publicité pour des illuminations et animations dans la ville pour les fêtes de fin d’année. Evidemment c’est un jeu de mots …
I’m glad you explained it. I never would have figured that out !
There is another possible play on words but Jean Michel doesn’t think they’d go that far. Des lyres d’hiver = délires divers (where divers = various, different).
I’ve been known to go that far with my puns !