La Caf'Thé in its Christmas finery – La Caf'Thé décorée pour noël

photo_148_cafe_the_xmasFrench shops often choose names that are plays on words. La Caf’ Thé sells coffee and tea, as its name suggests, but cafeter means to tell tales (tattle or sneak). It is also a brûlerie, which means they roast the coffee themselves. They also sell all sorts of coffee and tea-related items. Here it is in its Christmas finery.
Voici la Caf’ Thé décorée pour noël. 

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  1. I love the play on words. And I would love to visit this café… it looks so inviting on this cold night.

    1. It’s not actually a café, but a tea and coffee shop. It has the most wonderful selection of tea and coffee but all sorts of things to go with them. I shall add a note about it being a “brûlerie” where theoretically they roast their own coffee.

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