Château de Chambord

chambord_outsideNo matter what time of year it is, Chambord is magnificent. François I was only 25 when he commissioned the château in 1519. Unfortunately, despite the 2000 workmen, it wasn’t completed in his lifetime and he only stayed there for 72 days out of his 32 years on the throne! He used it as a hunting lodge of course and it was not furnished – he used to travel around with everything he could possibly need – including the kitchen sink. But his son, Henri II, and Louis XIV, who also loved hunting, turned it into the château we know today.
Quelque soit l’époque de l’année, le château de Chambord est magnifique. François I n’a que 25 ans lorsqu’il ordonne sa construction en 1519.  Malheureusement malgré les 2 000 ouvriers, le château n’est pas terminé pendant sa vie et il y séjourne que 72 jours au cours de ses 32 ans sur le trône ! Il sert de pavillon de chasse bien sûr et il n’y a pas de mobilier ; le roi voyage avec tout ce dont il a besoin. Mais son fils Henri II et Louis XIV,  également passionné de la chasse, nous ont légué le château que nous connaissons aujourd’hui. 

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  1. That’s a beautiful shot. It took me at least four visits there before I got a photo in sunshine. And thanks for the history. I find it amazing that the largest château in the Loire valley was just for the king and his hunting buddies.

    1. Thanks. I have a lot of photos of Chambord but I haven’t yet taken one from the other side across the water. It being a hunting lodge is pretty amazing, I agree.

  2. Better as a hunting lodge than being lumbered with actually having to live there. It was something of a poisoned chalice if you ended up being the occupant, as it was impossible to keep warm.

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