The Lacy Roof – Le toit en dentelle

I think the lace bargeboard made of repoussé metal on this roof is quite extraordinary. The little half-timbered house is wedged in between two other very ordinary-looking houses and you have to really look closely to appreciate the beauty of this little roof. Thank you, Jean Michel.
Je trouve extraordinaire la dentelle sur ce lambrequin en métal repoussé. La petite maison à colombages est insérée entre deux maisons quelconques et il faut vraiment regarder pour apprécier la beauté du petit toit. Merci Jean Michel.

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  1. In English this sort of gable decoration is called a bargeboard. In French it isun lambrequin. They are a 19th C decorative element, not really traditional in the Touraine, but I can imagine they may well be in the Sologne. The one above is rather unusual. What is it made of? From the pattern I would guess pressed metal, but it seems rather thick. Normally they are wood with a fretwork pattern.

    1. Thanks, Susan, for the terminology and information. I’ve added it to the post. Jean Michel says it looks like lead, using the repoussé method.

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