Red Rose & Unknown Insect – Rose rouge et insecte inconnu

photo_127_red_roseThis year the roses are very early and this climbing rose on our half-timber tower is just perfect! Below is an insect that I found today and that I hope someone can identify for me despite the blurry photo..
Cette année les roses sont très précoces et cette rose grimpante sur notre tour en colombages est vraiment parfaite! Ci-dessous un insecte que j’ai trouvé aujourd’hui et que je n’arrive pas à identifier malgré la photo floue.

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  1. Your bug is a Red and Black Froghopper Cercopis vulnerata, (le cercope sanguin in French). The adults are commonly seen from April to August. The larvae eat plant roots, living communally surrounded by a sort of mousse that they produce to protect themselves.

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