You may remember the photo of the little church of Saint Martin de Crouy that I published recently. We took the same cycle itinerary again the other day and I recognised it immediately. This time, I took a close-up of the sculptured group on the façade depicting Saint Martin cutting his cloak in two to give to a poor man.
Vous vous rappelez peut-être de la photo de la petite église de Saint Martin de Crouy que j’ai publiée récemment. Nous avons pris le même itinéraire cyclable l’autre jour et je l’ai reconnu tout de suite. Cette fois-ci, j’ai photographié le détail du groupe sculpté sur la façade représentant Saint Martin qui coupe son manteau en deux pour le donner à un pauvre.
The carving has a rather nice touch to it!
That guy was quite the contortionist as well.
@William – It certainly does
@Stuart – Yes, I initially thought he was like uncle Peter, riding his horse backwards.