During our evening promenade in Les Grouets, our neighbourhood in Blois, we always pass this manor house with its turrent, probably built in the 18th century. I love the semi-circular shutters.
Ce manoir avec sa tourelle, sans doute construit au 18è siècle se trouve sur notre promenade du soir aux Grouets, le quartier de Blois où nous habitons. J’adore les volets arrondis.
The turret’s a great detail!
Yeah, I love the turret and the shutters ! And a nice wall to boot. This must be a house I can see from the train.
@William – yes, I love the turret
@Stuart – I think it might be a little far because it is in Chemin de la Vicomté, the street that links the levee to rue Basse des Grouets. The train goes past our little wood so in winter you should be able to see our house but I haven’t managed to yet!
You’re right, this isn’t the one I was thinking of (I found it on Google Earth Street View). The other is very close to the train tracks.