This is the local primary and pre-school in Noizay, 10 km from Amboise, on the road to Tours. It has a population of about 1200 inhabitants. The school has four classes totalling about 100 children, from ages 3 to 9. The town hall, much less impressive, is on the other size.
Voici l’école primaire de Noizay, à 10 km d’Amboise sur la route de Tours. Le village a une population d’environ 1200 habitants. L’école, derrière la mairie qui est bien moins jolie, accueille une centaine d’enfants de la petite maternelle au CM2, répartis en quatre classes.
3 replies on “Noizay Local School – Ecole Communale de Noizay”
It’s rather more pleasing to the eye than the average school here.
I don’t remember my schools being so embellished with flowers!
@William & Stuart: no, my school didn’t look like that in Australia either!