Today, we had lunch for the second time at Brasserie 174 run by tt the local catering school in Blois. An excellent experience particularly when the day’s menu with starter, main course and dessert is only €9.50. Open from midday to 1.30 pm Monday to Friday (closed during school holidays). Reservation at 0 55 51 551 54.
Aujourd’hui nous avons déjeuné pour la deuxième fois à la Brasserie 174 gérée par le lycée des métiers de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme de Blois (LHT). Une excellente expérience surtout avec une formule à 9.50 €. Ouverte du lundi au vendredi entre 12 h et 13 h 30 (sauf vacances scolaires). Réservation obligatoire (par téléphone au, jusqu’en fin de matinée.
I rather like their vests.
They’ll go out into industry and never get to wear such stylish uniforms again 🙂
That seems to be a fantastic bargain. And I’m sure the service was wonderful… and energetic. Am I reading correctly on the web site that this is part of the public school system ?
@William and Susan: the uniforms are great aren’t they? Colourful, stylish and right for every figure!! The service was sometimes amusing because it’s only November so they are still learning but the students are all very attentive and trying to do their best.
@ Stuart: excellent value for money, I agree. And yes, this is part of the school system. The students get a “”bac pro” in hospitality. They also have a more chic brasserie on Thursday nights for 20 euro that we haven’t tried yet. There is a hotel as well!