Beaujolais nouveau is not the only young wine in France – Touraine primeur is also ready to drink on the 3rd Thursday of November. The Amboise wine growing school has a stall at the Tours fresh produce market.After tasting this pleasant wine, we bought three bottles.
After being contacted by the local newspaper, La Nouvelle République, and interviewed by Alain Vildart, we were delighted to see ourselves on the second page today under the title Les blogs de Rosemary séduisent la région. Thank you Stuart from Amboise Daily Photo, for promoting us!
Le beaujolais nouveau n’est pas le seul vin à boire jeune en France: le touraine primeur est également prêt à boire le troisième jeudi de novembre. Le lycée viticole d’Amboise a un stand aux halles de Tours. Après avoir dégusté ce vin plaisant nous en avons acheté trois bouteilles.
Après avoir été contacté par notre journal régional, La Nouvelle République, et interviewé par Alain Vidart, nous étions ravis de nous voir à la deuxième page aujourd’hui sous le titre Les blogs de Rosemary séduisent la région. Merci à Stuart de Amboise Daily Photo d’avoir parlé de nous.
Good for you!
The article is very cute 🙂
The Amboise Lycée Viticole wine is very good. One of ‘our’ restaurants serves it occasionally as their house wine.
It was a fine article indeed ! And the reporter actually complimented your accent… as opposed to making fun of it as in a certain other article I know. HA! And the photo of you two is wonderful ! I would love to be toasting you with a glass of Touraine primeur right now.
@William – Thanks!
@Susan – I liked the “succombé”! We didn’t try the others but certainly found this one very pleasant.
@Stuart – Thank you but I really liked your article too!! You’d hope after being here for so many years (nearly 40) that my accent wouldn’t be too noticeable … We’ll have to get together and celebrate our local celebrity!
That would be great. But hold that thought. We leave in a week for two months in the States !