I asked our readers to choose their favourite photo for 2014 and then chose one from among their suggestions that I think is typical of the Loire. This weather vane in the pretty little village of Cour sur Loire depicts a gabarre flat-bottomed boat. From the Greek karabos meaning shell, refers to several types of river boats in various places along the Atlantic seaboard. Their flat bottom means that with a shallow draught, they can transport a maximum load. The ones on the Loire Valley often have rigging as well. They are made of clapboard, that is, overlapping planks joined with wooden pegs.
For other entries in the City Daily Photo Theme Day, click here.
J’ai demandé à nos lecteurs de choisir leur photo préférée de l’année 2014. Ensuite, j’en ai sélectionné une parmi leurs suggestions que je pense est typique de la Loire. Le sujet de cette Girouette dans le joli petit village de Cour sur Loire est une gabarre. Le terme gabarre ou gabare ou gabarros (du grec karabos, coquille) désigne plusieurs types de bateaux fluviaux sur la façade atlantique. Leur fond plat appelé « sole » permet, avec un faible tirant d’eau, de porter un maximum de charge. Celles de la Loire sont souvent gréées. Elles sont construites à clins, c’est-à-dire que les planches qui constituent la coque se chevauchent et sont chevillées par des pièces de bois.
Pour voir les autres photos du City Daily Photo Theme Day, cliquez ici.
Yay! One of my choices 🙂
This type of boat construction is called ‘clinker built’ in English, btw.
This is a pretty choice!
A good choice for the theme! Happy New Year!
J’adore this image LDP, the colours of course and the wonderfully whimsical feel to it 🙂
a lovely weather vane – happy new year
Interesting and colorful choice, happy new year from Spain!
That’s a wonderful weather vane. Happy New Year Rosemary !
Great weather vane!
@Susan – Thank you for the clinker built.
@William – And thank for your suggestions
@Red Pat – Happy new year to you too!
@Grace – There are some wonderful weather vanes in the Loire Valley.
@Gerald – Thank you and happy new year too!
@Valladolid – Happy new year to Spain! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
@Stuart – Happy new year to you too. Hope to see you soon!
@EG Cameragirl – Thank you! I love the weather vanes here.