Je suis Charlie in Tours

“I prefer to die standing up rather than live on my knees” is the motto currently displayed on the town hall in Tours in honour of Stéphane Charbonnier, alias Charb, French satirical cartoonist and journalist who was one of the victims of the terrorist shootings that took place in the office of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo on 7th January 2015.
“Je préfère mourir debout que vivre à genoux” est la devise affichée actuellement sur l’hôtel de ville de Tours en honneur de Stéphane Charbonnier, dit Charb, dessinateur satirique et journaliste français qui fait partie des victimes de la fusillade survenue au siège de Charlie Hebdo le 7 janvier 2015..

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  1. Were you in Tours yesterday? We were planning to go and I nearly emailed you. In the end we didn’t but it would be a good place to meet up if we happen to be in town on the same day.

  2. @William – We were impressed at how many shops had “Je suis Charlie” in their windows.
    @Susan – Yes, we were. We went for the sales and had lunch there. Next time we plan to go, I’ll let you know!

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