Anyone for Grilled Insects? – Qui veut essayer des insectes grillés ?

I went to buy some Christmas tea today in Blois and was somewhat bemused by the sign outside advertising grilled insects as an appertizer. I much prefer the idea of caviar de Sologne!
Je suis allée acheter du thé de Noêl aujourd’hui à Blois mais j’étais plutôt étonnée de voir un panneau à l’extérieur pour des insectes grillés pour l’apéritif. Je préfère de loin d’idée de caviar de Sologne !

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  1. Interesting. The promoters of entomophagy would like to see it as the coming thing. I have several contacts who are working on projects to commercially raise insects for human consumption. They have an uphill battle to overcome cultural responses in the West. I’m watching their progress with interest. And just in case you are wondering, quite frankly, I would prefer the caviar.

    1. I can’t see the insects making inroads in the vegetarian population. I’m not sure what caviar de Sologne is though. I shall have to ask.

      1. Well, as omnivores are often quite fond of pointing out, vegetarians eat insects all the time. Their remains are in all sorts of food, even in the most hygenic households, and for practical purposes undetectable.
        I don’t know what either of the caviars are either. Carp eggs? Some vegetable (like caviar d’aubergine)? I rely on your investigative skills to come up with the answer 🙂

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