I am not a consumer of horse meat. I was given it once when I arrived in France without being told what it was and have not eaten it since. The writing on the windows also says that the butcher sells veal, porc and lamb. The sign says veal liver, rabbit thighs and beef tongue. We didn’t find the rib roast we were looking for though!
Je ne suis pas une consommatrice de la viande chevaline. On m’y a fait goûter à mon arrivée en France sans me dire ce que c’était et je ne l’ai pas mangé depuis. On voit que le boucher vend également du veau, du porc et de l’agneau mais nous n’avons pas trouvé la côte de boeuf que nous cherchions.
Lamb, beef, or pork would suit me about now.
I’ve made you hungry have I?
Definitely not interested in the horse meat but I do like the reflections on the shop window.