The Knife Grinder – Le rémouleur

You thought that knife grinders had disappeared? Well, here’s proof to the contrary. I loved the “shop front” so went round the other side to see what it was attached to. What a clever set-up!
Vous pensiez que le rémouleur avait disparu? Mais pas du tout ! La devanture m’a bien plu alors je suis allée voir ce qu’il y avait derrière. Quel ensemble astucieux !

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  1. There’s a guy in our Paris neighborhood who still comes by periodically with his knife-sharpening push cart. You know he’s coming when you hear his hand-rung bell. I can’t speak to the quality of his work.

  2. @Susan – It’s wonderful isn’t it? I’m wondering if he goes to the same market twice in a row. I’m taking along my hair scissors next week just in case!
    @Stuart and William: Yes, I think I heard one once in Paris.
    @Helen – I absolutely agree!

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