Today we bought a secondhand concrete mixer through The man who sold it to us is now retired. He keeps hens, geese, a donkey and, very unusually, crows and magpies which he captures and takes to other areas which are less populated …
Aujourd’hui nous avons acheté une bétonnière d’occasion par Le vendeur est à la retraite. Il a des poules, des oies, un âne, et de façon inhabituelle, des corbeaux et des pies qu’il capture et amène à d’autres endroits où il y en a moins.
I would have no idea how to use one of those!
It is actually quite simple! Not that I am the one using it …
Ohhh. What’s the next project ?!
Jean Michel is enlarging the laundry window which is the practice run for two bay windows in the kitchen that he has to create in a 75 cm wall. We’ve bought the stone lintels.
acheter une bétonnière, c’est pas le plus dur !!!
J’ai que des mauvais souvenirs, surtout bien compter le nombre de pelle à sable et à gravier
D’après mes observations, c’est plutôt la quantité d’eau qui semble poser un problème.
Oh my, am I familiar with cement mixers since I have lived in France. I think my husband bought his for a huge patio project for our first “owned” house in Montbazon…
Was it secondhand too?
Hmmm…no, I think he bought it at LeRoy Merlin in Chambray.