We have always seen château de Ménars, built in the 18th century, from the bike path along the Loire. Today we passed it on the other side. It’s for sale! To quote the local newspaper La Nouvelle République “Exasperated by the harrassment which he believes he is being subjected to by the French taxation, American businessman Edmond Baysari, has decided to sell Château de Ménars (Loir-et-Cher), the former residence of the Marquise de Pompadour which he bought in 1983 and has completely restored. For a little tour of the property, set to music of the time, click here.
Nous avons toujours vu le château de Ménars, construit au 18ème siècle, depuis la piste cyclable au bord de la Loire. Aujourd’hui, nous l’avons vu de l’autre côté. Il est à vendre. Pour citer La Nouvelle République, “Excédé par le harcèlement dont il s’estime victime de la part de l’administration fiscale française, Edmond Baysari, homme d’affaires américain, a décidé de mettre en vente le château de Ménars (Loir-et-Cher) ancienne résidence de la marquise de Pompadour, qu’il avait acquis en 1983 et qu’il a totalement remis en état. Petit tour du propriétaire, en musique d’époque..” Cliquer ici.
Je peux payer en paquets de sablés “les Grouëts ” ?
Comme dit Susan, ça peut prendre du temps!
I’d heard it was good inside, and the video seems to confirm that. It will be interesting to see who buys it. I like Damien’s idea 🙂 I don’t know whether to hope for another enlightened private owner or the Centre des Monuments Nationaux. And I’m torn regarding tourists. I’d love to see it, but boy these places take a beating once you let the hordes in. On the other hand, they don’t provide much benefit if you don’t let them in. The objects might as well be in storage (which would be better for the objects, of course). There are a number of differing stories as to why it’s on the market and it’s been on the market for a couple of years. I assume the NR is reacting to some recent public statement by the current owner.
We had hoped to see it during the last heritage weekend but it wasn’t open. It’s true that it seems somewhat pointless if no one can see it but I can imagine, as you say, the beating it would take.
It could be a problem to unload that if it’s been on the market that long.
The owner has spent 1 500 000 euros on renovations since 1983!
I’ll buy two!
So greedy!