The Pyramidal Apple Tree – Le pommier pyramidal

Amazingly, the tree in the foreground is an apple tree! In the background is the beautiful magnolia below. Both are in the Orangery Garden at Château de Cheverny.
A notre grande surprise, l’arbre en premier plan est un pommier ! A l’arrière plan se trouve le beau magnolia ci-dessous. Les deux se trouvent dans le jardin de l’Orangerie au château de Cheverny.

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  1. From memory I think the pyramids are crab apples, which makes a bit more sense given their treatment. They look fab all year round. There are certainly crab apples somewhere in that garden.

    1. That might be so. It was not obvious when we saw them if they were crab apples (I guess that’s pommier sauvage?).

      1. Pommier aigre. I don’t know how many gardeners here, but I would guess about 3, with a team of 6 apprentices every year. The picture is of the apprentices’ garden, so called because it was created when the Marquis created the apprenticeship scheme. There was a TV documentary made about it.

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