Lavendar Flowers and Cuckoos – Fleurs mauves et coucous

At the moment, the garden is filled with wisteria, pansies and other lavendar flowers and the cuckoos seem to be saying singing all day! Perfect for lunch in the garden. There is a saying in France that when you hear cuckoo, you have to have money in your pocket. It will bring you riches throughout the year. But it’s not the only proverb concerning cuckoos!
En ce moment, le jardin est plein de glycine, pensées et autre fleurs mauves et les coucous n’arrêtent pas ! Parfait pour déjeuner au jardin. En France on dit qu’il faut avoir de l’argent dans la poche lorsqu’on entend le coucou: comme cela on sera riche toute l’année. Mais ce n’est pas le seul proverbe qui concerne les coucous !


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  1. Please don’t tell me that that is Geralton Wax beside the wisteria?
    The pansies with the wee spider are magnificent. Mine have just been eaten by the snails.
    Totally envious of your lunch spot but can’t complain mine yesterday was on the cliff at Burleigh looking up the coastline to Surfers, lovely, soft sunshine, waves rolling in and seagulls hovering.
    On the video did you mean to write lilac?

    1. Helen you’ll be relieved to hear it’s not Geraldton wax but diosma, originally from South Africa. It flowers abundantly for two or three months.
      I’ve seen Geraldton wax on the florist’s stall at the market. They just call it wax. It was one of my mother’s favorite plants. I would assume it wouldn’t stand the frost here.
      Your picnic sounds most enviable!
      I am always saying lilac for wisteria. It’s because of the colour of course. I do it in French as well.

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