CDP Theme Day – Revolution in French Cuisine

So what revolution could that be? Take a look at the instruments on the right side of our illustrious townsman, Denis Papin, who invented the pressure cooker in 1679 under the name of digesteur, which most certainly caused a revolution in French cuisine a couple of centuries later! To find out how other bloggers interpreted the City Photo Photo Theme Day this month, click here.
De quelle révolution s’agit-il ? Regardez bien les instruments à la droite de notre illustre Denis Papin, l’inventeur de la cocotte minute en 1679, connue sous le nom de digesteur, qui a très certainement révolutionner la cuisine française quelques siècles plus tard ! Pour savoir comment d’autres bloggeurs ont interprété le thème de City Daily Photo ce mois-ci, cliquez ici.

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  1. @William – it is, isn’t it?
    @Sharon – every French home used to have them but they’ve been superceded by the micro-wave!
    @Denton – that’s why my (Australian) mother never had one: she was too afraid of accidents!
    @Susan – that’s probably one of the frist things I heard about Blois
    @Stuart – ah ha! I’ll let you keep imagining my devotion to photography until you find the vantage point in Blois from which I took the photo
    @Bergon – oui, mais comme j’ai dit à Sharon, le micro-onde semble l’avoir remplacée …
    @Rob – For the French, cuisine is probably the most important thing in the world!
    @Lauren – Oh, I’m delighted!

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