This is another photo from our recent cycling trip along the Loire to the east of Orléans. The basilica at Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire started in the 11th century with a crypt and sanctuary and was finally completed in the about 1218. The porch tower, built in about 1020, is a symbol of the celestial Jerusalem in the Apocalypse, with its square plan and 12 doors. The historiated capitals are finely sculpted.
Voici une autre photo prise pendant notre récent circuit de vélo sur la Loire à l’est d’Orléans. La basilique à Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire a commencé au 11ème siècle avec un crypte et un sanctuaire; ce n’est que vers 1218 qu’elle a été terminée. La tour porche construite vers 1020 est un symbole de la Jérusalem céleste du Livre de l’Apocalypse, avec son plan carré et 12 portes. Les chapiteaux historiés sont finement sculptés.
Impressive. I hope the sun returns soon. We had 238 mms [7 inches] in 48 hours last week. Others had double that. We are fine and enjoying glorious warm sunshine again. Sadly north of Brisbane is in recovery mode.
Goodness, how awful. We have some timid sun today but high wind. I noticed that the allotment gardens on the other side of the river are underwater and the cashier at the gardening store told us her horses were swimming around their paddocks.
It seems that your flooding is troublesome like ours. I do hope all the spring blooms are not ruined.
We’ve been lucky but a friend who lives near Montrichard lost a lot of her roses apparently.
Impressive and rather enduring!