I took this photo in the little town of Châtillon-sur-Loire during our recent cycling trip along the Loire east of Orleans. The shop’s closed but it was once run by a roofer/plumber. Ferblanterie comes from fer blanc or “white iron” which means “tin”. A ferblanterie can also be an ironmonger’s store. Zinguerie comes from “zinc” which was often used on roofs.
J’ai pris cette photo dans la petite ville de Châtillon-sur-Loire qu’on a visitée pendant notre circuit sur l’Eurovélo 6 à l’est d’Orléans.
I do like the look of the place.
And why is he keeping all those cool creatures locked inside?
Stuart they are employees of the plumber. They were made redundant when he closed down and staged a ‘sit in’ in protest. He had to close down, because none wanted them working on their roofs / rooves [apparently both are now acceptable]
Sorry. Just a bit of nonsense as I head off to work with a streaming head cold.
@William – it’s so typical of a French village.
@Stuart – Ah ha! I thought they were really neat.
@Helen – Good guess! No way am I adopting “rooves”. Oh dear, I hope your cold gets better soon.