The All Rounder – L'homme de la situation

I took this photo in the little town of Châtillon-sur-Loire during our recent cycling trip along the Loire east of Orleans. The shop’s closed but it was once run by a roofer/plumber. Ferblanterie comes from fer blanc or “white iron” which means “tin”. A ferblanterie can also be an ironmonger’s store. Zinguerie comes from “zinc” which was often used on roofs.
J’ai pris cette photo dans la petite ville de Châtillon-sur-Loire qu’on a visitée pendant notre circuit sur l’Eurovélo 6 à l’est d’Orléans. 

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  1. Stuart they are employees of the plumber. They were made redundant when he closed down and staged a ‘sit in’ in protest. He had to close down, because none wanted them working on their roofs / rooves [apparently both are now acceptable]
    Sorry. Just a bit of nonsense as I head off to work with a streaming head cold.

  2. @William – it’s so typical of a French village.
    @Stuart – Ah ha! I thought they were really neat.
    @Helen – Good guess! No way am I adopting “rooves”. Oh dear, I hope your cold gets better soon.

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