First Neighbours' Day – Première fête des voisins

On Friday we organised our first Neighbours’ Day. We ended up with 31 adults and 5 children. La fête des voisins also called Immeubles en fête (which roughly means festive flats) was created at the turn of the century (this one!), at the initiative of one Atanase Périfan in the 17th arrondissement in Paris. It was promoted by the mayors of Paris (all twenty-one of them) and low-income housing owners and its popularity rapidly spread to the rest of France. It is now held on the last Friday of May or the first Friday of June. It became Europe-wide in 2004.
Vendredi dernier nous avons organisé notre première fête des voisins. Nous étions en tout 31 adultes et 5 enfants. La fête des voisins, également appelée Immeubles en fête est créé au début du siècle (celui-ci !) à l’initiative d’un dénommé Atanase Périfan dans le 17ème arrondissement à Paris. Elle a rassemblée tous les maires de Paris et les propriétaires d’HLM avant de gagner le pays entier. Désormais on la fête le dernier vendredi de mai ou le premier vendredi de juin. Elle est devenue une fête européenne en 2004.

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  1. What a fabulous idea to have it as a ‘national’ day. When we moved to this home 8 years ago, I organised pre Christmas drinks for about 10 immediate neighbours. We now know who they are now and can greet them, but for various reasons it has sadly only occurred twice. Noone else has thought to reciprocate.

    1. Ah, reciprocation! I’m writing a post on neighbours’ day for Aussie in France and will be interested to have your feedback again then.

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