Roses in the Afternoon – Des roses, l'après-midi

One of the advantages of working from home is that I can wander out into the garden for a break. One of the disadvantages is that I sometimes don’t get much further!
Un des avantages à travailler à la maison est que je peux faire une pause dans le jardin. Un des désavantages est que parfois je ne vais pas plus plus loin.

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    1. I suspected that my text didn’t quite correspond to what I wanted to say! I actually meant that I often don’t do anywhere else during the day which means very little physical exercise. If I walked or cycled to work, for example, it would at least take me further than the gate!

    1. William, I became interested in flowers when I left Australia because they are so different. Why don’t you post photos and ask what they are? Your readers will have a lovely time!

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