CDP Theme Day – Curiosity

I have to say that this month’s City Daily Photo theme did not inspire me. It’s hard to say what can be considered a cusiosity. In the end, I decided to post this photo that I already published some time ago. I’m not sure what these rows of corn cobs represent but they are rather curious. For some more inspired entries, click here.
Je dois dire que le thème de City Daily Photo ce mois-ci ne m’a pas beaucoup inspiré.  C’est dfficile de dire ce qui est une curiosité. Finalement j’ai décidé de contribuer cette photo que j’ai déjà publiée il y a quelque temps. Je ne suis pas sûre de la signification de ces épis de maïs mais lls sont curieux. Pour d’autres photos plus inspirées, cliquez ici..

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  1. I had no problem with this theme. It is one of the few where I knew exactly what I would post.
    Those corn cobs are odd. When we first moved into my apartment, there was a corncob tied out of the kitchen window. If you figure out what it all means, let me know.

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