This photo is in response to Stuart’s photo on Amboise Daily Photo today (our towns are 30 km apart on the Loire River). His photo shows a stone and brick window that is more recent and better crafted than mine which is probably about 400 years old. The combination of brick and stone is typical of Sologne.
Cette photo est en réponse à celle publiée par Stuart sur Amboise Daily Photo aujourd’hui (nos villes se trouvent à 30 km l’une de l’autre sur la Loire). Sa photo montre une fenêtre en briques et pierre qui est plus récente et mieux travaillée que la mienne qui doit avoir environ 400 ans. Cette combinaison est typique de la Sologne.
I do like the combination.
I am so far behind in my blogging comments, that I’ll never catch up. Nevertheless I had to acknowledge your reference to ADP. I really like this building style. If you ever run across a book about the local architecture, I’d be interested in knowing about it.