The Automatic Baguette Machine – Le distributeur automatique de baguette

We were driving towards Loches today when I saw this automatic baguette machine in Ferrière-sur-Beaulieu. I couldn’t believe my eyes! Twice a day, a local baker puts 50 fresh baguettes in the machine.
Nous nous rendions à Loches aujourd’hui lorsque j’ai vu ce distributeur automatique de baguettes à Ferrière-sur-Beaulieu. Je n’arrivais pas à croire mes yeux. Deux fois par jour un boulanger local met 50 baguettes fraîches dans le distributeur.

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  1. @Butcherbird86 – Yes, we did a double-take!
    @Jane Orson – We were pretty surprised ourselves!
    @William – Not surprised.

  2. Well, that’s a good one. I never, ever thought that the French would do something like this, but on the other hand, they’re very clever! I’d try the machine, though I prefer a more personal touch!

    1. This one is only a distributor, but it seems you can buy one that cooks the baguette on demand! I prefer the personal touch myself.

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