I was devasted to learn today that Mr and Mrs Pétard, who have a butcher shop in Chailles, the town across the river from us in Blois, lost both of their daughters, Marion and Anna, aged 30 and 24, in the killings in Paris on Friday 13th November. While I stood in silence in front of the shop, several people came by to pay tribute. My thoughts are with their parents and loved ones. By the cruelest irony, their family name means “explosive”.
J’étais bouleversée d’aprpendre aujourd’hui que monsieur et madame Pétard, bouchers à Chailles, la ville en face de nous à Blois, ont perdu leurs deux filles, Marion et Anna, âgées de 30 et de 24 ans, dans les attaques meurtrières à Paris le vendredi 13 novembre. Pendant je me me recueillais devant leur magasin, de nombreuses personnes sont venus faire hommage. Mes condoléances à leurs parents et proches..
I cannot imagine anything more horrible for a parent. How does one ever recover from something like this?
I don’t know how you can. I don’t think a parent ever recovers from the death of their child, much less for reasons such as this.
Parents are not supposed to bury their children. This really brings it home when you know someone whose family was directly impacted.
No, they are not. My parents buried my 14-year old sister when she was killed by a falling rock that probably hadn’t moved for millions of years. That was bad enough.
I lost a child to gun violence. It turns your whole world upside down. The world you once saw in color turns to a dull grey or black and white. My utmost sympathy to all those who lost love ones in this senseless tragedy.
Thank you for commenting Norma. I can’t even begin to imagine what it is must be like to lose a child to violence.
It is always very sad to hear the personal stories from tragedies such as these. Our thoughts go out to the ones enduring such sadness. We hope there is some comfort in knowing that the whole world is praying for them.