At the market on Saturday, this brass band was encouraging blood donors – particularly relevant after the recent killings in Paris. Mon sang pour les autres = My blood for others.
Au marché samedi, ce fanfare encourageait les donneurs de sang, une action particulièrement pertinente après les tueries à Paris la semaine avant.
Now there’s a good cause. I hope they were successful.
Here we’re allowed to donate up to six times a year. I tend to go four times- the iron levels in my blood take a bit longer to build back up between donations.
I noticed a young ‘eye candy’ instrumentalist in the midst of the group. That should be a good drawcard!
Smart and also important.
I have given blood for years, and I do recommend all healthy people to do it.
@Stuart – yes, I hope so. I don’t know how good the French are about giving blood.
@William -& Gunn – Very civic. I agree that it’s very important.
@Butcherbird – Ha, ha!