Santa at the Window – Père noël à la fenêtre

I don’t remember seeing all these Santa Clauses climbing up the window when I was a child. The only Santa I ever saw was in David Jones department store in my home town of Townsville. Note the pun on the Krys Optician’s window!
Je n’ai pas le souvenir d’avoir vu un tas de pères noël en train de grimper sur les maisons lorsque j’étais petite. Le seul père noël que j’ai jamais vu se trouvait à l’intérieur du grand magasin de David Jones dans ma ville natale de Townsville. Notez le jeu de mots chez l’opticien Krys. 

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  1. I first saw them when we did a Danube cruise in Dec 2006. I loved them. They would look quite silly here in our heat.
    Lots of things have changed since we were children. Christmas lights is the big one.

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