The higgledy-piggledy way in which the windows and niches have been added in the old quarter of Blois suggests mediaeval times when there was no town planning. The window second from the left is surprisingly detailed. The two niches are much more rustic.
La façon peu orthodoxe dont les fenêtres et niches sur une place dans le vieux Blois ont été rajoutée indique bien l’époque médiévale avant l’arrivée du permis de construire. La deuxième fenêtre de la gauche est pluôt sophistiquée alors que les deux niches sont beaucoup plus rustiques.
That’s quite a collection of window design and style. I’ve never seen anything like it. Fascinating.
It’s not so much that there was no town planning, it’s more that symmetry was not considered an important part of the aesthetic in medieval and early renaissance buildings.
A good expression for the mixed up styles.
These Windows certainly do not have the polished finish and uniformity of J – M’s renovated kitchen window! There is however a ‘ charmness ‘ about them.
( A made-up word to go with the made-up Windows. )
@Stuart – Amazing, aren’t they?
@Susan – When did symmetry first become important?
@William – Méli-mélo is usually used for mixed salad in French 🙂
@Butcherbird – Yes, there is a certain charmness!
You don’t see much attention being paid to symmetry in architecture in France until the 17thC, when it becomes an absolute obsession. The example I always give is to look at the difference between Chenonceau (early 16thC) and Cheverny (early 17thC).
Thanks Susan. I’ll remember that.