This may not be a hay loft at all, or course, but it looks as if it could be. it’s in the old Vienne part of Blois, across the Loire from the castle.
Ce n’est peut-être pas un grenier du tout mais il en a l’air. Il se trouve dans le vieux quartier de Vienne à Blois, de l’autre côté de la Loire en face du château.
I imagine it must have been- the house looks old enough that housing horses in what would be a garage today would seem to make sense.
Yes, it looks as though it’s the right period.
It occurred to me that it looked a bit dreary and then I realized it could be worse. It could be pouring with rain – like it feels it has been all this year!
The sun was sporadic actually. It really depended on which was we were looking. The tram station photo was taken just an hour earlier.