Local Lambs – Agneaux du coin

I was so busy packing yesterday that I didn’t have time to post. I thought these sheep and lambs would be a good transition between the Loire Valley and our 6-week holiday in Australia and India. From now on, I’ll be publishing postcards of our travels. This photo was taken just next to Blois.
J’étais tellement occupée à faire les valises hier que je n’ai pas eu le temps de poster. J’ai trouvé que ces moutons et agneaux seraient une bonne transition enter la vallée de la Loire et nos vacances de 6 semaines en Australie et en Inde. Désormais, je posterai des cartes postales de notre voyages. Cette photo était prise juste à côté de Blois.

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  1. Being in another “worst drought” I miss the lovely scenery with the ‘GREENESS’! Even my city on the east coast has been declared a drought city.

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