Postcard from Australia – A fascinating mosaic

Nambucca Heads’ fascinating street mosaic comprises some thirty metres of tiled artwork beside the footpath which passes in front of the Nambucca Heads Police Station. Artist Guy Crosley and a team of local volunteers scoured the district for cast off tiles, pottery, china and other knick-knacks which were then cleverly “embroidered” into the spectacular streetscape you can see today. The video below, although a little wobbly, gives a better idea than a photo.
La mosaïque de rue à Nambucca Heads qui fait 30 mètres de long, se trouve sur le trottoir devant la station de police de Nambucca Heads. L’artiste Guy Grosley et une équipe de volontaires locaux ont prospecté la région pour trouver des vieux carreaux, potterie, porcelaines et autres babioles qui ont été incorporés dans ce merveilleux tableau. La vidéo ci-dessous bien qu’un peu trouble, donne une meilleure idée de l’ensemble qu’une photo.

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  1. @William – yes, the colours are great!
    @Helen – I love it too. The video only shows about 2/3. I was so busy filming the first third that I ran into a post and dropped the phone! The video needs a little editing :). Nothing happened to the phone, thank goodness.

  2. How pleasing that the mosaic is so 3D! What an interesting community project. Yet another use for stuff that would otherwise be in the dump and landfill.

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