Easter Sunday – Dimanche de Pâques

photo_71_easter_sundayWe happened to be in Cour Cheverny just before Mass came out. Note the number of men as opposed to women. It’s traditional in France for the women to go to church while the men go to the local café!
On s’est trouvé par hasard à Cour Cheverny juste avant la sortie de la messe. Notez le nombre d’hommes par rapport aux femmes. Il est habituel en France pour les femmes d’aller à l’église pendant que les hommes se retrouvent au café du coin.

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  1. If you hadn’t pointed out there was an imbalance I would never have picked up on it. We are astonished by the number of regular church goers we know in France. I would say the majority of our friends in Preuilly go, but they don’t talk about it, so we’ve only ever found out by accident.

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