
photo_95_letter_boxesIt never ceases to amaze me that the people who look after listed buildings in France allow this sort of thing to go on. This monstruosity is in Rue des Carmélites in Blois. The lovely little door below is just next to it.
Je suis toujours étonnée que les monuments historiques permettent ce genre de choses. Cette monstruosité se trouve à la rue de Carmélites à Blois. La jolie petite porte ci-dessous est juste à côté.

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  1. It is just cosmetic so easily neatened up. The mail boxes I can live with — at least they are white. The electricity boxes just need their surrounds properly finishing off and the crappy concrete covering up.
    The answer to why it is allowed to happen is that this is small potatoes and Batiment de France does not have the staff to police this sort of thing, nor does the mairie. It’s not making real architectural changes and I don’t imagine anyone complained about it at the time it was done. If no one complains within the statuary period, then usually nothing can or will be done. Permission was probably not required before the work was done, and even if technically it was, it probably was not applied for. Do it and ask for forgiveness later is most builders’ motto.

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