Troglodytes in Blois

photo_98_troglodytes_bloisI was very surprised to see this old troglodyte façade in Blois early one morning at the back of a courtyard that is usually closed. These houses dug directly into the tufa hills are very common in the area but it’s the first time I’ve seen one in Blois.
J’étais surprise de voir cette façade troglodyte à Blois de bonne heure le matin au fond d’une cour qui est habituellement fermée. Ces maisons creusées directement dans les  coteaux en tuffeau sont très répandues dans la région mais c’est la première fois que j’en voyais à Blois.

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  1. Troglodytes Troglodytes ( so sweet they named it twice) is a wren. We have them in the garden but no caves!

  2. @William – Can be damp though I know some people who have a troglodyte home.
    @Lesley – It seems they are called troglodyte mignon. Isn’t that sweet?

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