Riquiqui in French means small and stingy and I think that the new square next to Gabriel Bridge in Blois is exactly that. I can’t see why they have gone to such expense for so little …
Riquiqui est ce qui vient à l’esprit lorsqu’on voit lelnouvel aménagement en face du pont Gabriel à Blois. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ils ont dépensé autant pour si peu.
We have a similar square recently opened in Beenleigh. It most certainly doesn’t implore one to enter and enjoy. I believe money has also been spent on the dancing water.
I can imagine that you will spend ages sitting on those ‘comfortable’ seats, gazing across the river.
The day before when we went past, there was an untidy looking lady stretched out talking on her cell phone! You can’t actually see the river from the comfortable bench of course.
It doesn’t seem particularly inviting.