Jean Michel got very excited when he saw this white heron as he has only seen grey ones along the Loire up until now. You can see how big the sandbanks in the Loire are at the moment. Their presence is what makes the Loire unnavigable and even dangerous to swim in.
Jean Michel était tout content de voir ce héron blanc puisqu’il n’a vu que des hérons gris sur la Loire jusqu’ici. On voit que les bancs de sable sont très importants en ce moment. Leur présence est ce qui rend la Loire navigable et même dangereux à la baignade.
We see the grey ones here, but not white. Our rivers are low at the moment, with rocks exposed.
The white ones are in the heron family but known as Egrets (Fr. Aigrettes). This one is most likely a Little Egret Egretta garzetta (Fr. Aigrette garzette). I think their numbers are increasing and their range expanding.