Luynes Aqueduct – L'aqueduc de Luynes

The 300-metre Gallo-Roman aqueduct near Luynes (19 km east of Tours) probably built in the 2nd century was our picnic lunch view today when cycling from Luynes to Langeais. Six out of the nine arches are the original construction.
L’aqueduc gallo-romain à côté de Luynes (19 km à l’est de Tours), long de 300 mètres, et qui remonte peut-être au 2ème siècle composait notre vue aujourd’hui lorsqu’on a pique-niqué sur notre itinéraire vélo entre Luynes et Langeais. Des neufs arcs visibles aujourd’hui, six sont d’origine. 

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  1. For such a large thing this acquaduct disappears into the landscape. I remember the first time we tried to find it we drove around and around and could not spot it. The signposting is rather inadequate. We are not the only people we know who had difficulty finding it.
    Great pic, btw. You’ve got a good length of it in the photo. It’s not especially easy to photograph.

  2. @William – Amazing, isn’t it?
    @Helen – Yes, just sitting there in hte iddle of nowhere
    @Susan – I can understand why you had trouble finding them. All the signs are designed for people on foot or bike. I went out into the sunflower field to take the photo!

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