Not sure how safe I’d feel in a house with a roof like this one. Je ne suis pas sûre que je me sentirais bien en sécurité dans une maison avec un toit pareil.
According to our neighbour who lives across the street from the sagging roof, the tiles were replaced incorrectly at one stage which made matters worse!
That is trouble just waiting to happen.
It’s looks like it, doesn’t it?
Ah, but how long has it been like this?
As in your full post, money is the solution, but who has euros needed – a bottomless bucket.
According to our neighbour who lives across the street from the sagging roof, the tiles were replaced incorrectly at one stage which made matters worse!
That’s the problem with getting old. Everything sags.
Very good Stuart!
Might get all the rain water into a butt from the downpipe on the left. I wonder if the floor inside is also at an angle.
I shall take a closer look next time to see what’s under that downpipe! We have a similar roof on our wood shed.